Friday, January 2, 2009

Stamp of Approval *Updated*

Whew. We had our homestudy today. WOWZERS folks. It was looooong. Our social worker who is very friendly and personable loves to visit!

She started with the boys and asked all sorts of questions just to get to know them better. She asked how they felt about the adoption, Joshua said he will be excited once his brothers get here. Caleb said he is really happy and scared all at the same time.

Caleb donated some of his gift money to the adoption. I was so humbled. He really wanted to give us some of his money. He is such a generous boy.

*Update* I forgot to mention (due to jello brain from the HS) that two families from church helped fund a good portion of the HS + the $$ we scraped together. God is good! Thank you friends--you know who you are!

Lots of processing to do and I am just wiped out from it all. We are so happy all went well and look forward taking the next step.

1 comment:

  1. That's precious that Caleb did that. Makes a heart smile:)
