Sunday, March 29, 2009

When we decided to adopt Alan as well, that obviously meant my big huge "It's All Paid For" post became null and void.

But that is okay. God knew all along that would happen.

I am certain he will provide the rest of the money we need. When He has already given us such a large amount of money to date, I know He will not leave us hanging.

Of course, I still am sinful and tend to question Him. "How?" "When?"

That's not for me to know. I was given the scripture, "Be still and know that I am God." So that's what I am trying to do. ;o) It's really hard, by the way. Being still isn't something I do well naturally. However, I'm learning.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Projected Dates

When talking with our director, she gave us some projected dates. Assuming, of course, all runs smoothly.
Depart: Wednesday, May 20
Arrive: Friday, May 22
Hang tight in Uganda for up to, but hopefully not more than, 5 weeks.
Depart for home: Friday, June 19
Arrive: June 21 or 22 depending on time of flight from London.
There are times I think to myself, "Eek gads, woman! You're going to have 5 boys under one roof! 6 counting Jeff! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?!?!"
Thankfully, I purchased Managers of Their Homes. ;o) Seriously, I did. I am going to make some form of a schedule to keep us all reasonably on track.
Thankfully, we bought a picnic table. I'm thinkin' breakfast and lunch OUTSIDE, people.
Thankfully, my hubby will be building a fun fort soon and we'll hang a swing from a tree.
Thankfully, my parents bought a house in our town so I can have a date with my husband at least once a month. I going to miss our 'go whenever we want' dates. We'll have to be more proactive.
Thankfully, I have a big God who will lead me every step of the way. Life will slide into place. I think the first 6 months will be our huge time of adjustment.
Thankfully, Habakkuk reminds me that, "For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end--it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay."
Hab 2:3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kori wins!

She guessed first, and got it right. We welcome our 5th son, Alan, into the Dodson fold.

He'll be 5 in July. We are so excited, a bit nervous, abundantly blessed.



Why we decided to add Alan to our family...the short story. When our homestudy came through, and we were approved for 3, I called our director to let her know. Her first response was, "Oh don't worry, you can still just have the two. were thinking otherwise?"

Ha ha. Yes. I was secretly thinking otherwise.

I asked, "Is there another child?" She told me of Alan, who recently had a bit of a hurtful experience. She conveyed the story and my heart melted. But what about Jeff. What about the boys?

So I approached Jeff cautiously. He was open. We continued to talk and pray tons.

What about J and C? Well, little did I know, they overheard the entire conversation with the director. Over the next week, Alan was center stage. They had so many good questions. They were very concerned for him. And. They continued to say, "Too bad we can't adopt him, too." Or, my personal favorite from Caleb, "Mom, if God can provide for us to adopt two boys, do you think he could provide for us to adopt three?" Good Lord. "What do you think, Caleb?" "Yes. God can do it. He made the world. He can do it."

And yes, I cried. (and am doing so now.)

Alan tipped the scales to joy overflowing in Joshua. That was huge. Joshua was always excited, but I think very nervous about the whole adoption and how it would change our family. But when he heard about Alan, those feelings subsided.

When we asked them what they thought (after about a week of prayer on our part), Joshua responded, "Well. I think I would really like him to be in our family."

Caleb said, "If Alan could be my brother, my heart would burst."


So we called the director, and told her the news. "It's unanimous. We want Alan!" Her sweet response, "Thank you Jesus. You've made my day."

Sooooo, I am now Mom to 5 boys. I am still a bit nervous about handling all this energy, but I think in time we'll find our groove and settle in nicely.

Yay God!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A surprise is brewing...

We sent off our i600a forms today.

In our dossier, we included a new family book. The old one was obselete.
Guess what?!
(Hint: Look for clues...)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


This huge stack of paper represents about 3 months of my life. It didn't need to take that long to gather. However, it did. Now it is ready to fly out of my house as soon as our 3rd homestudy arrives. It will come sometime on Monday. Depending on the time it arrives, our file will either go out Monday or Tuesday overnighted to California.
Mandy leaves on the 30th. She wants to carry it over to Uganda. Which is much safer than DHL.
Yesterday, when I discovered that our HS was incorrectly notarzied I sat down on the floor and cried. I could not believe it. It has taken nearly 3 months just to get our homestudy correct. Part of that was due to my birth certificate fiasco, but the other was just 'operator errror'.
Jeff called the social worker. I couldn't do it. I was beyond frustrated. While he talked to her, I went to the grocery and purchased paper plates. I did. I couldn't handle another thing. I just wanted my lunch on a plate I could toss in the trash. *sigh*
When I got home Joshua saw the plates. He said, "Oh. Thank God, paper plates."
I responded, "Exactly." That boy knows a thing or two. :o) We must be raising him right.
So here's what I know:
Yes, God is Sovereign
Yes, His timing is perfect.
Yes, He is teaching me patience.
Yes, I am a sinner.
Yes, I want it done NOW, forget this patience thing.
Yes, I am a sinner.
And my favorite two words in all the Bible..."But God". Take a sec and look up those words in a concordance and see what you find.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sweet Folks

The Scott Family hosted a Rescue Hero Toy Drive for us. Erica heard through blogland that I was having a hard time finding figures with dark skin. She suggested Rescue Heroes which I LOVE. Joshua and Caleb had many when they were little. However, we gave them away when they outgrew them. And they're no longer made by Fisher Price. ;o(
Erica asked if she could put a post it note on her blog asking for donations. ;o)
Several ladies whom I've never met, let alone spoken/corresponded with donated some to our cause. One even bid on ebay for us! How sweet! Cameron, Erica's youngest son, went through his own stash when he saw we needed some more people.
Thanks guys. Your thoughtfulness means so much to us. I know the littles and biggies will have some good times playing with the Rescue Heroes. Y'all rock!

Monday, March 9, 2009

in the mail

As I type, our HS in the mail on its way to us. Hip Hip Hooray.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Just heard from our social worker. She is getting our homestudy notarized THIS WEEK. Once we get it, we're off to immigration. Yeehaw!

Currently, we're under construction.
See those greens? They're not staying. I like that darker one on the left, however, we've decided to use the red we used in the boy's room for that wall. I had my heart set on green. It's so cheerful, however, none of the greens we've tried look good at all times of day in all different types of light. It looks so cheerful though.
The shed gets started tomorrow. Once that is done, the third bedroom will be started. All this is being done to get ready for the younguns headed our way. :o)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Zippity Do Dah...

Zippity Ay

My Oh My What a Wonderful Day...
So it's been a while since I've posted. It's hard posting when there is not much happening. However, the last week has been incredible.

My paperwork from the lawyer by messenger while in Houston! That was a great pre-Bday gift. :o) The doorbell rang about 9:30am and I rushed to the door, I knew exactly what it was!

This a.m. received 11 wonderful new pictures of our boys! Here's Daniel signing Mommy. He's still learning...fingers should be sticking up and thumb on chin. It blessed my socks off to see that little grin. :o)

Jeremiah signing Daddy--sort of--with a silly grin. Love it!
I thought that was enough to make my day...then! around 10 am, Vital Statistics called from Austin! My birth certificate is done AND picked up. I drove over this afternoon. Hardly ANY traffic...and those who have driven Austin know that's a miracle!
I'll fax it over to the SW tomorrow and hopefully we'll be in business very soon. YAY.
Thank you all for praying! God hears your prayers.


God is teaching me daily to rest in be still and to know He is God! I am so thankful He loves me and cares for me in this way. He handles everything and let's me sit and watch Him at work. I believe this is not only for my sanctification, but to prepare us for Africa. I know we will be waiting alot over there. My prayer and hope is not to panic, but REST IN HIM. I'm thankful for the practice. :o)