Thursday, May 28, 2009

God is Faithful

We head out tomorrow a.m. and our flight takes off around 8pm. I am excited, nervous, a bit scared, missing my boys already all rolled into one.
The Lord DID IN FACT provide all finances needed. That little thermometer is a pain in the neck to update. Sorry. God has been and will continue to be faithful.
We're headed off into the unknown. Thankfully HE KNOWS and goes before us. He will show himself strong and mighty on our behalf. He will. He will. He will. He has not brought us this far to leave us or forsake us. I'm not sure how rough it will get over in Uganda, but Psalm 23 and Psalm 121 are two of my key pieces of encouragement right now.
I equate our journey with child labor: I had NO CLUE what to expect, it hurt. ALOT. But here I am on the other side with 2 boys. I'm sure this will be no different. My breathing exercises will come in handy this time around as well. ;o) This pain we are about to endure has a purpose. Not only will it 'birth' 3 more boys, it will surely sanctify us even more...and we all know how uncomfortable sanctification is.
Love y'all. I'm not sure WHO reads this now, since I NEVER update. BUT if I end up taking my laptop, maybe I'll be able to update this blog a little??? Or not. Guess it depends on the internet.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A note from the boys!

Over in Uganda right this very moment is a lovely young lady who serves as the long term missionary at Welcome Home. A few days ago she started corresponding with me and has been giving me updates on the boys and life in Jinja.

This a.m. however, I opened an email that contained a note from our children + a sweet prayer from Alan. Here ya go:

I think the boys will actually welcome big hugs and kisses, they kiss your picture enough! But I think they will adjust quickly since the anticipation of your arrival is so big :) I have to tell you, Alan and I prayed the other day and it went something like this... "Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for my mommy, and my daddy, keep them safe, and bring them here fast. I thank you that my mommy thinks I'm handsome. I pray in jesus name, Amen!" I'm telling you, I have never seen Alan so excited!

Oh, I have a special treat for you... your three boys are in the office with me and they want to type (or try to type) you a message. "Hello Mommy! I love you! You come! We want to see my mommy! Hello Mommy! How are you? We are fine. We want to see our Daddy! Hello Daddy! Ow are woo (Jeremiah), Daddy how are you? We are fine! Daddddyyyyyy! We want to see Daddy and Mommy. We want to go on airoplane. We want to hug and play and to go to swimming and we swim in water. Hello Caleb and Joshua! We love you! Come soon!"

Alright, that was literally what came out of their mouths as they came into the office and I told them I was talking to you. Haha they kept shouting louder and louder. :) I think this is more of a treat for them!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Travel Plans

WOW! Saturday we received our approval fro USCIS.

I cried in the parking lot of Guadalupe Lumber. ;o) The tears flowed freely and I tried to smile ALOT since all these people were looking at me funny. Good thing I'll never see them again.

AND NOW...drum roll please....

We travel May 27 and go to court June 1. These are both tentative dates, but we do book flights tomorrow. Yippee.

God has been so good. I know He is more faithful that I will ever comprehend.

My parents come tomorrow for a very short visit, once they're gone I'll be scurrying around tieing up loose ends.

People! We're going to the Pearl of Africa.

Praise God. For His is the kingdom, the glory, the honor, and power. Amen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Got another email today from the second family that arrived last week at Welcome Home. Lori emailed me a sweet little bit of love from my Alan. ;o)

Ohhhhh, Laura! It is so good to hear from you! Your boys are amazing...but you already know that =) Today Alan came to me and said "My mom is coming!" I said, "Yes, your mom is coming soon and she loves you!" He had a big smile and another worker said, "Yes, and your daddy too!" We are so happy that your time is so near.

I know you are in contact with Maria too, but if you have any questions let us know and we will try to be helpful.

Court went well for us this week and Thursday is our ruling. It is encouraging that the process seems to have improved...just in time for you to come =) Peter is an awesome will be in good hands.

We will be praying for you and look forward to hearing all about your own journey in Uganda. Be ready to recieve and give endless hugs and kisses...

Let me say...for the record ;o) ... it makes my heart SING to hear of Alan's eagerness for his Mommy and Daddy to come. He is old enough to be taking all of this in, by that I mean what is going on right now with the two other families getting their children. He is processing all this in his little mind and it's clicking.

They've all been 'reading' their book and now that the other two families are there, the boys are realizing (esp. Alan and Jeremiah--their older) that their turn is next. ;o) I wonder if they think it about us while going to bed at night? Obviously, Alan is...and Daniel. I'm sure Jeremiah is, too.


We (Jeff) spoke for a few minutes during church, we hand out pics and a letter telling the church what we needed.Jeff did such a good job. I am so thankful I have been given such an excellent hubby. I love him so.

A few families have given funds which just blesses up tremendously. We now need $7100. I haven't changed the thermometer cuz it's a pain in the neck. However, I think I'll change it by Friday when all the $$ is in the bank.

Still no word from immigration, but I'm sure it's coming... ;o)

Friday, May 1, 2009

I hope our hearts are big enough ;o)

I received an email from Maria. She is over there ALONE right now, awaiting her Hub. She is having a wonderful time and sent me this note. :o)

My cup runneth over!

We had Samaratin's Purse visit at the orphanage today and deliver boxes to the kids. Your boys were so cute! Dan especially loved a spinning top he got. Be prepared to hear "mommy" said to you about 50,000X in a day by him. =) He is deeply longing for you. At first he thought that I was Mommy....then Lori & Dan arrived today and he started gravitating to them and calling Lori mommy...we had to take him aside and explain that you were coming soon. He will be overjoyed when you get here...all three will!

2 days ago Alan came up to me when all the kids were playing and said: My mommy is coming later. I told him that yes you were and that I had talked to his Mommy and she thought he was soooo handsome and loved him very much. He got this HUGE grin on his face and went back to happily playing.

Laura...your heart must be huge because God as given you some sons who will need all the love you and your family has!
Blessings and hope to see you soon!