Sunday, April 5, 2009

There's a chance...

we'll get to meet some Canadians *gasp* while in Uganda. They'll be getting their littles from another orphanage in the area. Maybe we can eat lunch together at one of the local restaurants! Yay! Their babies are much younger than our rough and tumble boys.

She has a wonderful little blog, too.

Mercy Moi

Go check it out!


  1. I'm might get to meet my get THREE get to eat good fruit....and you will be in a tropical paradise while I SWELTER here in the deep deep south.....yep, I'm jealous...but oh so happy for you :)

  2. I am praying we will get to be there at the same time. How awesome would that be?! I really want to visit WH while I'm there, along with many other places of course!

    Can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring!
