Sunday, March 29, 2009
But that is okay. God knew all along that would happen.
I am certain he will provide the rest of the money we need. When He has already given us such a large amount of money to date, I know He will not leave us hanging.
Of course, I still am sinful and tend to question Him. "How?" "When?"
That's not for me to know. I was given the scripture, "Be still and know that I am God." So that's what I am trying to do. ;o) It's really hard, by the way. Being still isn't something I do well naturally. However, I'm learning.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Projected Dates

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kori wins!
He'll be 5 in July. We are so excited, a bit nervous, abundantly blessed.
Why we decided to add Alan to our family...the short story. When our homestudy came through, and we were approved for 3, I called our director to let her know. Her first response was, "Oh don't worry, you can still just have the two. were thinking otherwise?"
Ha ha. Yes. I was secretly thinking otherwise.
I asked, "Is there another child?" She told me of Alan, who recently had a bit of a hurtful experience. She conveyed the story and my heart melted. But what about Jeff. What about the boys?
So I approached Jeff cautiously. He was open. We continued to talk and pray tons.
What about J and C? Well, little did I know, they overheard the entire conversation with the director. Over the next week, Alan was center stage. They had so many good questions. They were very concerned for him. And. They continued to say, "Too bad we can't adopt him, too." Or, my personal favorite from Caleb, "Mom, if God can provide for us to adopt two boys, do you think he could provide for us to adopt three?" Good Lord. "What do you think, Caleb?" "Yes. God can do it. He made the world. He can do it."
And yes, I cried. (and am doing so now.)
Alan tipped the scales to joy overflowing in Joshua. That was huge. Joshua was always excited, but I think very nervous about the whole adoption and how it would change our family. But when he heard about Alan, those feelings subsided.
When we asked them what they thought (after about a week of prayer on our part), Joshua responded, "Well. I think I would really like him to be in our family."
Caleb said, "If Alan could be my brother, my heart would burst."
So we called the director, and told her the news. "It's unanimous. We want Alan!" Her sweet response, "Thank you Jesus. You've made my day."
Sooooo, I am now Mom to 5 boys. I am still a bit nervous about handling all this energy, but I think in time we'll find our groove and settle in nicely.
Yay God!
Monday, March 23, 2009
A surprise is brewing...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sweet Folks

Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Zippity Do Dah...
My paperwork from the lawyer by messenger while in Houston! That was a great pre-Bday gift. :o) The doorbell rang about 9:30am and I rushed to the door, I knew exactly what it was!
God is teaching me daily to rest in be still and to know He is God! I am so thankful He loves me and cares for me in this way. He handles everything and let's me sit and watch Him at work. I believe this is not only for my sanctification, but to prepare us for Africa. I know we will be waiting alot over there. My prayer and hope is not to panic, but REST IN HIM. I'm thankful for the practice. :o)