I found this video on Youtube today. I think I've seen it before, but had not posted it. So for all of you who'd like to see where we're headed...THIS IS IT!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I can call whenever I want!
That's what our laywer's secretary said. :o) Makes me very happy. I talked to her yesterday and she had called the judge's office in the morning and asked to pull my file. The judge's secretary said for her to call back tomorrow (today) afternoon. Hopefully, it will be UNSEALED today! Whoop! That's our prayer. Then the changes can be made! YAY!
I was reminded this morning that God has not brought me to this place to leave me exposed to the elements. He stretches out His wings and they cover me. His wings are for protection, they are wings of help, and refuge. God had wanted to gather Israel under His wings like a mother hen her chicks, but they refused. I do not want to refuse. God is my refuge, my help in time of need. He is my strength. He is my provision. It is not I who provides for myself, but the Lord. I will trust in Him.
I was reminded this morning that God has not brought me to this place to leave me exposed to the elements. He stretches out His wings and they cover me. His wings are for protection, they are wings of help, and refuge. God had wanted to gather Israel under His wings like a mother hen her chicks, but they refused. I do not want to refuse. God is my refuge, my help in time of need. He is my strength. He is my provision. It is not I who provides for myself, but the Lord. I will trust in Him.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Good News + 2 Prayer Requests
I spoke with Mandy today. One of the new missionaries that has gone over to Welcome Home will be teaching Daniel (and Jeremiah, I think) sign language! She knows ASL and will be teaching him the basics. :o) That means once we're over there, the missionary can let me know what she's taught him and we'll be able to talk easily. Once home, we can pursue hearing aids. Yay!
Jeff called the lawyer about 5 minutes ago, and I have updates! All adoption records are sealed. The request to unseal my records is on the judge's desk. The lawyer's secretary has a pop up reminder on her computer to call every 2 hours to check to see if it has been unsealed. Once it is unsealed, they will send a courrier over to retrieve the documents. The changes have already been made on another form which can immediately go back into the unsealed file and back to the Judge. At that point, he can either decide to make the corrections without a hearing OR have another hearing. Since I was an adult when I was adopted, the attorney thinks it will be no problem for the judge to sign off on the changes. Once they're signed off, I believe I can get the file and take it to Vital Statistics in Austin myself.
**PLEASE PRAY this will all happen speedily.**
God CAN make a way for this to occur lickety-split. ;o) I know these things.
I know all things are working on His time table and not mine. His ways are higher than mine. His thoughts are higher than mine. He knows absolute best. Period.
Our refinance is coming along nicely. Our home was appraised at a much higher value than we had expected! That means we will have enough funds to renovate the house and get our 3rd bedroom, shed, fence, etc. easily. Our house payment will stay about the same, YAY! We had hoped for lower, but we're happy with the same payment with more living space.
All that's left for us to do: get insurance worked out, and classes. We've been stalling on those two things until my certificate gets ironed out.
PRAYER REQUEST #2: There is a new judge. He is very gruff. He has been approving the adoptions but is very diligent in going over every last bit of paperwork, and grilling the applicants (that'd be us) in the court room. Mandy says he's very good at his job, upholds the law, etc. but is like a tom who marks his territory with his stamp of approval. We will also have two court dates instead of one. He chooses to see the children independently of each other. That requires extra trips to "K city". Pray that we will have favor in the eyes of the judge, for kindness, meekness, and respectful actions on our part. I have a feeling that we will be tested with many frustrations while there. My hope is that Jeff and I will treat all we meet with Christ-like kindness, love, grace, integrity. I do not want us harboring bitterness or sarcasmn in our hearts because it will show on our face and in our tone of voice. I want a genuine love for the people and honor for all the gov't workers to flow freely from each of us while we are there.
Jeff called the lawyer about 5 minutes ago, and I have updates! All adoption records are sealed. The request to unseal my records is on the judge's desk. The lawyer's secretary has a pop up reminder on her computer to call every 2 hours to check to see if it has been unsealed. Once it is unsealed, they will send a courrier over to retrieve the documents. The changes have already been made on another form which can immediately go back into the unsealed file and back to the Judge. At that point, he can either decide to make the corrections without a hearing OR have another hearing. Since I was an adult when I was adopted, the attorney thinks it will be no problem for the judge to sign off on the changes. Once they're signed off, I believe I can get the file and take it to Vital Statistics in Austin myself.
**PLEASE PRAY this will all happen speedily.**
God CAN make a way for this to occur lickety-split. ;o) I know these things.
I know all things are working on His time table and not mine. His ways are higher than mine. His thoughts are higher than mine. He knows absolute best. Period.
Our refinance is coming along nicely. Our home was appraised at a much higher value than we had expected! That means we will have enough funds to renovate the house and get our 3rd bedroom, shed, fence, etc. easily. Our house payment will stay about the same, YAY! We had hoped for lower, but we're happy with the same payment with more living space.
All that's left for us to do: get insurance worked out, and classes. We've been stalling on those two things until my certificate gets ironed out.
PRAYER REQUEST #2: There is a new judge. He is very gruff. He has been approving the adoptions but is very diligent in going over every last bit of paperwork, and grilling the applicants (that'd be us) in the court room. Mandy says he's very good at his job, upholds the law, etc. but is like a tom who marks his territory with his stamp of approval. We will also have two court dates instead of one. He chooses to see the children independently of each other. That requires extra trips to "K city". Pray that we will have favor in the eyes of the judge, for kindness, meekness, and respectful actions on our part. I have a feeling that we will be tested with many frustrations while there. My hope is that Jeff and I will treat all we meet with Christ-like kindness, love, grace, integrity. I do not want us harboring bitterness or sarcasmn in our hearts because it will show on our face and in our tone of voice. I want a genuine love for the people and honor for all the gov't workers to flow freely from each of us while we are there.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Did you know that waiting hurts? Well, it does. I know our littles will be home when God deems it time, but I tell ya, this waiting is going to be the death of me. Which is probably a good thing... you know, the whole dying to self part.
The whole adoption decree/birth certificate debaucle is still debaucle-ing. Can I make debaucle into a verb? I just did. So there. ;o)
On happier notes~ we've received Jeff's passport! It took about 10 days. Wowzers! That was fast!
I was called last week by a sweet young lady from Lifegate telling me that she and her 5th grade class raised $59 at a bake sale in our honor!!! Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? This is the 3rd group of children that have given money towards our adoption. It just makes my heart sing to witness how the Lord is working in the lives of His little ones. :o)
Guess that's about it for now. TTFN.
The whole adoption decree/birth certificate debaucle is still debaucle-ing. Can I make debaucle into a verb? I just did. So there. ;o)
On happier notes~ we've received Jeff's passport! It took about 10 days. Wowzers! That was fast!
I was called last week by a sweet young lady from Lifegate telling me that she and her 5th grade class raised $59 at a bake sale in our honor!!! Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? This is the 3rd group of children that have given money towards our adoption. It just makes my heart sing to witness how the Lord is working in the lives of His little ones. :o)
Guess that's about it for now. TTFN.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A New Truck for Daniel

This little guy makes me sad. I don't like how his little head is tucked under. :o( My mission is a smile. I hope to get that sooner than later. His truck is tireless,too....not that a boy really NEEDS a truck with a tire but I'm sure it drives much better.
Jeff and I were in SA on Saturday. After we got our paperwork from the social worker, she was in town and had our file, we stopped in to check out the Goodwill on De Zavala.
I had been thinking of lots of toys I wanted to get for the boys this past week and came up with a wee list. One in my mind, that I hadn't shared with anyone but God. We both saw the Goodwill, and thought, "Hey we're here. Let's stop in."
We walked in and I have to say, this was the nicest Goodwill I've ever been in. I mean, it's still Goodwill. Don't picture Neiman's...but the selection was better than Seguin.
I found a small toy shelf and on it was that LIKE NEW Little Tikes Dump Truck. $1.99. !!! Thanks God! What ever child had that truck either didn't use it much or had so many other things he couldn't use it. It looked like it was straight out of the box. I had hoped to find him a dump truck! :o) I also wanted some wooden blocks to put in the truck for dumping/building purposes. We found an old Jenga game, $1.99. See that plane? I wanted a plane so badly, so we could 'roll play' once home our adventure to America, Mommy, Daddy, brothers, ... family. The plane is Playmobil. We had just looked at a Playmobil plane online not 2 days before, $50. This plane with pilot and co-pilot all in great condition, $1.99. I snatched it up. I wanted something more 'educational' and we found a Tangoes,jr. It's a Tangram game. Like new, people! $3.99. The pieces are magnetic so they won't slide off. We also found some play clothes in excellent condition for $.99 a piece...shorts and collared shirst and T's....A Children's Place, Arizona, Parisien Kids. They did not smell bad! They smelled like fabric softener. $20 bought them quite a bit of stuff. Thanks God. Now they have some play clothes and toys. :o)
And Daniel has a new truck...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Leann and Anna
So. Just who are Leann and Anna, you ask? They're the ladies who sit behind the front desk at the library and check your books/videos out and take all your money in overdue fines. :o)
They just learned yesterday that Jeremiah and Daniel are coming.
J and D,
They're SO EXCITED to meet you, boys! They've asked to see pictures of you two.
Every Wednesday, Leann reads at Story Time. We can walk across the street to our library, listen to a story, have a little snack, and make a craft. I think you'll like it. Your brothers, Joshua and Caleb, used to go when they were little and they thought it was the funnest day of the week! :o)
They just learned yesterday that Jeremiah and Daniel are coming.
J and D,
They're SO EXCITED to meet you, boys! They've asked to see pictures of you two.
Every Wednesday, Leann reads at Story Time. We can walk across the street to our library, listen to a story, have a little snack, and make a craft. I think you'll like it. Your brothers, Joshua and Caleb, used to go when they were little and they thought it was the funnest day of the week! :o)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
One Happy Family
(Just for the record: as soon as this blog can go public, it's being imported to Typepad. Just sayin. Blogger makes me angry. Yes. Blogger. Not any sin within me. It's Blogger, 100%. I need line breaks people! Is that too much to ask!?!!?)
Y'all know I'm kidding about that sin part, right?
As part of our adoption process, we have to make a family story book. We had to photoshop in Daniel and Jeremiah. Since Jeff sort of knows how to do that he took over that job. I just put everything together once it was done. Let me just say for the record --this is a different record than the previous one mentioned--we are going to LAUGH about this book for years to come people! At one point, I was on the verge of tears. Poor Jeremiah looked like he had a bite taken out of his little head!!! Aye. :o) Sorry J, we love you...we can get a little silly around here.
It has to be simple for the kids to focus on us and not cute artwork. Imagnine ME not doing anything CUTE to a scrapbook. I'm all about simple, but this one consists of a picture and a caption. Period. But don't you worry your pretty little head, I'll make up some CUTE family story books for each boy. :o) Cuz that's what I do.
Joshua and Caleb each wrote a short, personal note. Now they're begging to buy something fun for their brothers... :o)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Glitch updated
We've had our first glitch. I'm sure there will be more throughout this process, and it will probably be frustrating for me. I am trying to remain calm and still before God knowing full well He is who He says He is.
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
I've been thinking this morning, that the above verse is probably better suited to this whole process than the one I put in the banner above. 1 Thess 5:24 is not in context up there. That verse is talking about when the Lord calls you, He is faithful to sanctify you. He will do it. I am here to say. He's doing it. He's sanctifying me this very moment. How you ask? Let me tell you.
My birth certificate that was issued after my adoption is wrong. ARRrrRRrrrRg. There's nothing for me to do except get it fixed which requires a trip to Houston and a trip to Austin. This process could go quickly or not. The State could see their error and fix it or require a legal name change...in which case my maiden name would be the same as my married name which means I would not have the same last name as my Dad who adopted me. See how this is crazy?
In reading over the adoption decree last night, (and I am totally confused at this point) it may have been recorded incorrectly as well. If that's the case, I don't know what happens! Am I readopted? Or does the lawyer just amend the paperwork? I just don't know.
It is in fact my adoption decree. How it all reads on all the documents is my married name is my adopted last name. Which obviously incorrect, as one cannot be married when they're a child. SO! We wait. The Lawyer is looking into it. He says the fixing process is not a big deal. However, I have no clue how long it will take. I've asked if there's a way to expedite the process. I also have no clue how this much will cost. But it really doesn't matter the cost, it really must be done. All my records need to match for more than the adoption. It's a good thing this was found now and not later!!!
Today, I'm headed back to our courthouse to show the clerk all I have and see what she can make of it.
Please pray that this whole mess can be straightened out simply and quickly...while I remain still in the confidence that He is God. He is my GOD, whom I serve. He will work on my behalf in a way that best glorifies Him.
J and D,
"Be still and know that I Am God." Psalm 46:10 God is in total control. Daddy and Mommy have faith in that very fact!
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
I've been thinking this morning, that the above verse is probably better suited to this whole process than the one I put in the banner above. 1 Thess 5:24 is not in context up there. That verse is talking about when the Lord calls you, He is faithful to sanctify you. He will do it. I am here to say. He's doing it. He's sanctifying me this very moment. How you ask? Let me tell you.
My birth certificate that was issued after my adoption is wrong. ARRrrRRrrrRg. There's nothing for me to do except get it fixed which requires a trip to Houston and a trip to Austin. This process could go quickly or not. The State could see their error and fix it or require a legal name change...in which case my maiden name would be the same as my married name which means I would not have the same last name as my Dad who adopted me. See how this is crazy?
In reading over the adoption decree last night, (and I am totally confused at this point) it may have been recorded incorrectly as well. If that's the case, I don't know what happens! Am I readopted? Or does the lawyer just amend the paperwork? I just don't know.
It is in fact my adoption decree. How it all reads on all the documents is my married name is my adopted last name. Which obviously incorrect, as one cannot be married when they're a child. SO! We wait. The Lawyer is looking into it. He says the fixing process is not a big deal. However, I have no clue how long it will take. I've asked if there's a way to expedite the process. I also have no clue how this much will cost. But it really doesn't matter the cost, it really must be done. All my records need to match for more than the adoption. It's a good thing this was found now and not later!!!
Today, I'm headed back to our courthouse to show the clerk all I have and see what she can make of it.
Please pray that this whole mess can be straightened out simply and quickly...while I remain still in the confidence that He is God. He is my GOD, whom I serve. He will work on my behalf in a way that best glorifies Him.
J and D,
"Be still and know that I Am God." Psalm 46:10 God is in total control. Daddy and Mommy have faith in that very fact!
Monday, January 5, 2009
On Saturday, I emailed the orphanage director with a prayer request. I asked her to pray about taking Josh and Caleb with us to Uganda. Everyone stateside says, "Take them!" We say, "We want to!" However, when I asked her to pray about us taking them, I also asked the Lord to guide us with her answer. Not only did she pray, but her husband, and several board members. They all said, "No". She gave some reasons. I am sure I could cause a stink and force my way. However, I did ask the Lord to guide us through her answer. So now I must trust the Lord that He did indeed guide us for the best. I am very disappointed. They both want to go so badly. I think it would be wonderful for them. But God thinks differently and I must, beyond a shadow of doubt trust He is for our good and not evil. He is. He is for our good.
Jeremiah and Daniel,
Please know your brothers wanted to come to Uganda to meet you. They wanted to see where you have lived for the first 4 years of your life, to see your homeland, culture---although I don't think they realize what that means exactly. :o) It was a way for them to get to know you better and to understand from where you come. They are very excited for you to come home.
Jeremiah and Daniel,
Please know your brothers wanted to come to Uganda to meet you. They wanted to see where you have lived for the first 4 years of your life, to see your homeland, culture---although I don't think they realize what that means exactly. :o) It was a way for them to get to know you better and to understand from where you come. They are very excited for you to come home.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Stamp of Approval *Updated*
Whew. We had our homestudy today. WOWZERS folks. It was looooong. Our social worker who is very friendly and personable loves to visit!
She started with the boys and asked all sorts of questions just to get to know them better. She asked how they felt about the adoption, Joshua said he will be excited once his brothers get here. Caleb said he is really happy and scared all at the same time.
Caleb donated some of his gift money to the adoption. I was so humbled. He really wanted to give us some of his money. He is such a generous boy.
*Update* I forgot to mention (due to jello brain from the HS) that two families from church helped fund a good portion of the HS + the $$ we scraped together. God is good! Thank you friends--you know who you are!
Lots of processing to do and I am just wiped out from it all. We are so happy all went well and look forward taking the next step.
She started with the boys and asked all sorts of questions just to get to know them better. She asked how they felt about the adoption, Joshua said he will be excited once his brothers get here. Caleb said he is really happy and scared all at the same time.
Caleb donated some of his gift money to the adoption. I was so humbled. He really wanted to give us some of his money. He is such a generous boy.
*Update* I forgot to mention (due to jello brain from the HS) that two families from church helped fund a good portion of the HS + the $$ we scraped together. God is good! Thank you friends--you know who you are!
Lots of processing to do and I am just wiped out from it all. We are so happy all went well and look forward taking the next step.
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